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"The chief enemy of good decisions is lack of sufficient perspectives on a problem."
             ~Alain de Button


What would you do if you were free from fear?


What have you lost because fear got in the way?


Are you tired of being a spectator?



No. You haven't tried everything.​​


Accomplishing great things is not about intelligence. Making great things happen depends on how we think about the problem.


We all carry mental models that help us understand and predict how the world works. These models guide our perception and behavior, and represent our deeply held beliefs about the relationships between things.


These models are supposed to keep us safe and happy. But when things go wrong (and they often do) the models intended to help us actually work against us. We find ourselves unable to finish what we started. Ruled by fear. And lost in a daze of funky thinking that keeps us feeling stuck.


To make great things happen, we need a better way of thinking.





​Think new things.​​


​Beautiful Thinking is a process that clears the mind of unprocessed grief and trauma, while establishing connection with our authentic Self, and gaining new mental models that offer new ways of engaging the world around us. It is a journey of reclamation. A deep introspection to discover what we truly desire, and the things that get in the way.



​Discover the difference.​​


What few people know is that there is an ancient key, hidden deep within us, that has the power to reconstruct our view of the world and how we approach it. Once discovered, it will transform fear into immense personal power, silencing the dictator in our heads, and ultimately setting us free.


Romantic Couple

And make fear your bitch.


​Beautiful Thinking is then followed by Beautiful Action that turns ideas into reality. Outdated habits become choices driven by authenticity instead of fear. We become able to establish well-formed goals. We anchor them in time and space. And we outsmart the echos in our head that seek the false sense of security that was the status quo.


Beautiful Action leads us into Beautiful Resolve, which helps us close the gaps between beliefs and reality. Beautiful Resolve makes us able to overcome setbacks, to adapt, and to course-correct along the way while keeping our authentic Self intact.


It is a Beautiful Evolution into splendid satisfaction as we master the art of Beautiful Decision Making – free of Self sabotage that robs us of the sheer joy of finishing what we started.​ 


Beautiful Decisions are Beautiful Thinking in action, and all we need to get started is the courage to take the next step.


Join a Beautiful Community of Beautiful Thinkers destined to master fear, and Thinking Beautifully.​​ 




The 4 COMMitments for
beautiful thinking


Deep introspection,

self-reflection, and critical thinking. What do you truly desire to achieve? What gets in the way of defining and achieving those desires?



Tackle overwhelm by building a timeline to your desired outcomes. Well-formed goals make the difference between dreams and reality.


Resolution builds the resilience needed to overcome setbacks, to adapt, and to course-correct. Reinforce with ongoing support and guidance.


Evolution. Change only happens on the road to somewhere. As we achieve goals, we reassess and set new ones. Beautiful Thinking is a lifelong process.


"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
             ~Peter Drucker

The hardest part of changing your life is knowing what to do next.

Let’s face it. Most of us weren’t taught how to navigate life beyond the vague question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”


Nobody sets out to create chaos, or sadness, or to live in constant fear.


It’s no surprise, then, that most of us don’t really know what we want or need from life, let alone what do with life when it slaps us in the face.


The answers are in my SECRET SAUCE.


I’ve been there, and I’ve developed a proven system honed to help frustrated individuals and families figure out what’s next for their lives in a way that is fulfilling, meaningful, and sustainable. Now, I'm there to help make the next move.


As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Mindset Coach, I will help you get the quick wins you need while you work toward your long-term goals.

Are you ready?

Do you DARE? Are you done with the status quo?


Work with Bonnie

Our life is a series of decisions based on our best thinking. I am dedicated to helping individuals create better lives by coaching the way they think to make better decisions for a higher quality life. My evidence-based counseling and coaching methodologies, rooted in positive psychology and neuroscience, empower clients to overcome obstacles, gain clarity, and make great decisions.



Are the decisions you are making today going to make your life better in the future?

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My zone of genius is Thought Leadership for Beautiful Thinking.
I help fearful people make things happen.

Therapy VS Coaching

Although Therapy and Coaching are different approaches, they are complementary. A person who has done the mental prework to develop clean, clear thinking, and strong emotional regulation, is a powerful coaching client!


THERAPY is a good fit to explore problematic history, relationships, and ongoing or deep-seated behavioral problems as these can hinder your coaching journey. Discover whether unprocessed trauma is holding you back! Download my FREE TRAUMA ASSESSMENT to decide whether you would benefit from therapeutic work before beginning a coaching pathway.


COACHING is the choice for those that are already functioning well, but want to develop further in Beautiful Thinking. Coaching focuses more on the present and future, helping individuals identify critical values, determine desires and direction, use their strengths, and take decisive action. A coach can help you feel more confident in specific areas– emotionally, socially, professionally, and spiritually.


The pathway you choose will be tailored to your specific needs so you can build sustainable results that will serve you well into the future.

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is trauma holding you back?

Questions and Booking requests

Bonnie Ayotte Counseling Psychologist

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© Bonnie Ayotte. All rights reserved.

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