the master formula
individuals • couples • creatives
beautiful thinkers
thinking beautifully
My approach combines the strongest elements of ten neurologically based therapies that focus less on the stories of past events, and more on what the brain is doing with that information to guide you today– for better or worse. The past shapes the models that drive our futures. Those models can be reshaped in the present, resulting in greater understanding of personal behaviors, increased Self esteem, greater clarity for better decision-making, an increased sense of wholeness and balance, restored relationships, marked reduction in anxiety and depression, and an open road to redesign your future. That's a whole lotta hope!
Attention Veterans! The same training that kept you alive can become the thing that stops you from living when you return to civilian life. Neuro-based training can help you reverse this effect, allowing your body to heal itself as it was intended to do, all without the need to revisit what belongs in the past. Foremost, I want to personally acknowledge your sacrifice for me. Allow me to return the favor as you seek to regain the life you greatly deserve.
Emotional Intelligence is bedfellows with CBT, Emotional Intelligence represents the ability to understand, manage and utilize your own emotions, and those of others in an intentional way. EQ is the pinnacle of life mastery. With it we can improve relationships, resolve conflict, make better decisions, become better leaders, manage time and energies, and adjust to changes or setbacks with more grace.
Neuro Linguistic Programming recognizes that the brain processes an overwhelming amount of information. To do this quickly and efficiently, it must break information down into smaller portions. In the process, it creates “maps” or simplified versions of reality that represent our lived experience. These maps can propel us forward, or they can limit us, though the goal is always to protect us in some way. NLP makes use of a variety of techniques to alter these maps to affect phobias, change performance, change mindsets, process trauma memories, and life a happier life.
Narrative Therapy
Narrative Therapy focuses on the stories we tell ourselves… about ourselves. We learn these stories through lived experiences, crafting narratives that we live up to, or down to, depending on our view and value of Self. Narrative therapy is a collaborative process to discover how our stories influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Through problem-solving techniques, new stories can be crafted that empower people to live more in alignment with their values and desires.
Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, makes use of acupressure points on the body to help regulate emotions, reduce stress, change beliefs, and otherwise create balance for body and mind. It’s a technique anyone can use whenever they feel upset, and is fantastic for even young children that struggle when away from cherished caregivers. EFT is simple, painless, and doesn’t require the presence of a therapist.
Memory Reprocessing
Memory Reprocessing recognizes that the brain stores memories and related data much like a computer saves files to a hard drive. Memories are recalled by their most salient details, such as the emotion attached, certain images, sounds, etc., and will have associated “rules to live by.” Some memories are triggered, causing discomfort years later. The rules (such as “never…” or “always…”) may have been true at the time, but no longer serve our present lives. Specific neuro-based interventions can help the brain dissolve aspects of these memories, leaving room for new and more useful understanding, and reducing the ability to trigger uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.
Trauma-Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy examines the relationship between our thinking, beliefs, and behaviors, and how past trauma can impact this process. Even when things we think and feel seem to be working against us, the goal is always to solve a problem with the best resources available at the time. Reframing, challenging, and modeling are all interventions to reshape our day-to-day into something that cooperates with who we really are, in the here-and-now.
Internal Family Systems believes that, in the same way that the brain breaks complex amounts of information into smaller maps, it also assigns smaller tasks to subtle sub-personalities (or roles) within the core Self, naturally. Each role has a unique skill set to perform best in specific contexts. For example, we play a role as a parent, a sibling, a co-worker, a spouse, etc.. Trauma can disrupt this natural process, and wounded subs can form. The result causes inner conflict as individuals seek to solve new problems with outdated skill sets. IFS seeks to restore the individual’s relationship with their core Self. The Self is then able to resolve conflict by integrating traumatized subs, reassigning roles and resources, turn the volume down on overwhelming emotions, and ultimately create a greater sense of safety.
Positive Orthopsychology
Positive Orthopsychology focuses on the positive human traits such as love, kindness, creativity, personal autonomy, and a desire to do well in life. Orthopsychology is a multidisciplinary approach that is based on the idea that that there are patterns of health and dis-ease, and that health can be restored to reflect a more ideal health state. Orthopsychology means that issues can be identified, prevented, and managed. For some, this means there is hope for those dealing with deep-seated or severe struggles.
My Secret Sauce
Epigenetics offers an integrative approach that is holistic, and examines the way genes and environments combine to drive behaviors. Epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change the core DNA sequence. Understanding how these changes are made makes the difference between fighting for change and effortless change.
Coaching focuses on current problems and strategies to achieve specific goals, where therapy focuses more on the reasons behind behaviors. Coaching is better suited to those that are functioning fairly well, and have been able to process former traumas and survival-based thinking. Coaching seeks to develop Beautiful Thinking, which paves the path to clarity, confident decision-making, and addressing barriers to change in an accountable way. Coaching and therapy work well together, as clients that have developed emotional skills are powerful coaching clients.